In order to import these outlandish flavors, we carefully select their origins, and pick growers who are most respectful of taste and product.

The use of our logistics tool, Nosao, guarantees that the ripening, packaging, storing, and distribution of our products is done with care and rigor.

Who are we ?

We are exotic fruits experts, who have developed strong and unique relationships with suppliers all over the world, in order to select and offer the finest fruits to our clients.

logo kissaor import avion

KissaOR : Our selection of ready to eat products transported by air.

KissaOR France : Ready to eat goods made in France, with exotics flown in from Reunion Island.

KissaHOT : Our line of spicy products.


Thanks to the checks carried out throughout the supply chain, from the entry of the products into the warehouse, ripening, packing and up to their dispatch, we ensure total traceability and guarantees the quality and health safety of our fruits.

certification ifs
commerce équitable


HERE WE ARE ! : 710 B, MIN Les Arnavaux – 13014 MARSEILLE – France.

+33 (0)4 91 11 18 40